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New Ventures

Discover, Incubate, and Thrive: Unleash Innovative New Ventures


In today's dynamic business landscape, the pursuit of new ventures is paramount to ensuring growth and innovation.

Vaxa's New Ventures service focuses on the strategic exploration and execution of fresh and very promising new business initiatives.

This service assists in the creation and incubation of new enterprises, products, or services, aligning seamlessly with both startups and established corporations seeking innovative paths to new markets and growth.


We embark on new ventures by tapping into our extensive network of thought leaders from diverse fields - science, technology, innovation, government, and more.


This invaluable resource provides us with unique insights and foresight that guide our data-driven approaches. We expertly blend this wealth of knowledge with our systematic strategies to lead your foray into uncharted territories, dissect emerging trends, and seize opportunities, all while maintaining a critical balance between risks and rewards.


Our approach minimizes risks while driving innovation and sustainable growth for your organization.

Outcome & Benefits

Our commitment to delivering results that matter for your organization.

  • Rapid Entry into New Markets: Vaxa's New Ventures streamlines the process of entering new markets, reducing the time-to-market for startups and established businesses.

  • Innovative Solutions: We facilitate the creation of groundbreaking products and services that meet evolving customer demands, adding a competitive edge to your portfolio.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Our service connects you with suitable partners, enabling cooperative ventures and the sharing of resources, knowledge, and insights.

  • Market Expansion: Whether you're a startup seeking to scale or an established corporation looking for diversification, our New Ventures service acts as your growth accelerator.

  • Risk Mitigation: Our expert guidance reduces the uncertainty typically associated with new endeavors, enhancing the chances of successful ventures.

Our New Ventures redefines how businesses approach innovation, providing a structured yet agile framework for exploring and executing new opportunities that drive future growth.

Examples of our Work

  • Market Entry Strategy: A rapidly expanding tech startup sought our guidance to enter a new, highly competitive market. We conducted in-depth market research, analyzed potential competitors, and leveraged insights from our network of experts. This led to a successful market entry strategy, which allowed the startup to swiftly gain a foothold in the industry.

  • Innovation Acceleration: A large corporation looking to drive innovation in-house engaged us to facilitate the launch of a corporate innovation lab. We provided our strategic framework as a starting point, set up rapid prototyping processes, and connected them with promising startups for collaboration. This resulted in a string of successful product innovations and internal cultural shifts toward entrepreneurship.

  • Startup Ecosystem Development: A regional government initiative aimed to foster a vibrant startup ecosystem. We worked closely with stakeholders to create and implement a comprehensive plan. This included setting up co-working spaces, organizing pitch competitions, and offering mentorship programs. Over time, this initiative led to an influx of startups, increased employment opportunities, and a thriving local economy.

  • Strategic Partnership Formation: A platform technology firm wanted to extend its capabilities by partnering with innovative startups. We assisted in identifying suitable startups, assessing their compatibility, and structuring mutually beneficial partnerships. These collaborations facilitated rapid product development and a significant market share increase for the healthcare firm.

  • Investor Network Expansion: A venture capital firm aimed to diversify its investment portfolio. We introduced them to a network of early-stage startups and conducted due diligence on potential investments. This collaboration resulted in a series of successful investments in startups across various industries and a solid return on investment for the VC firm.

Let's talk

We work with ambitious leaders who want to invest and partner with great starts-ups and companies. Let's be extraordinary together.

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